Mosaic Lincoln

EVANGELISM (WK 3): "The Whole Hog"



"I have come that (whoever comes to me) may have life, and have it to the full."John 10:10bMosaic Gathering Prayer: September 22, 2019Father, as we gather here in each other’s presence today, we bear witness to ourselves and to each other that You are among us. You are God for us, and that is the GospelJesus, clothed in human flesh to experience Union with us, we assent that You have brought us into Union with the Godhead.You are God with us, and that is the GospelWinsome Spirit, we submit to Your mantle of love that covers our hearts and minds.You are God in us, and that is the GospelGod of freedom, we proclaim that Your message of deliverance has been misunderstood and misrepresented, and we are each somewhere on the journey towards a healing of our understanding of You. You are the God of truly good news, and that is the Gospel.God of restoration, we confess that we have each to some degree misrepresented You to others, and we ask Your forgiveness for that and Your healing of any wounds that may