Eat Green Make Green Podcast

Episode 62: Pat McAuley's TEDx Talk: Food's Impact On Our Ability To Love



"Know that what you're about to eat not only impacts your health, but it has a profound impact on your ability to love and care for the people in your life."Nearly 4 years ago, a change I made to my plate rocked my world. In just months, I rid myself of lifelong battles with asthma, allergies, arthritis, and countless other issues.What rocked my world even more was a question I began asking myself - why didn't anyone tell me about this? Why didn't any doctor, nutritionist, coach, friend, or anyone present me with this life-changing information?It has become my life mission to make people aware of this information. Information I felt like I was robbed of for the first 25 years of my life. Information that, if you so choose, has the power to drastically alter your health and life.Beyond all the incredible health benefits, I noticed something shift inside me that I struggle to explain. A sense of calm and ease, a sense of true peace within me. This shift has allowed me to truly feel for