Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

AT#784 - Travel to Zaragoza, Spain (Repeat)



Hear about travel to Zaragoza as the Amateur Traveler talks to Cat Driver about this historic but under-visited region of Spain. Cat says, "Every time I have said to people that I lived in Spain and they asked me where and I say Zaragoza, I usually just get a blank stare and then I have to explain it. Zaragoza is between Barcelona and Madrid almost exactly. I was teaching English there. I decided on Zaragoza because it  had everything I wanted. It was very local, not much English so I'd be forced to learn Spanish. The transportation connections are great, and it has a really low cost of living. So I thought it was the perfect place to go and teach English and that's what drew me there." "I think other people should go to Zaragoza because it is wonderful. It is a really underrated part of Spain. It doesn't see many North American visitors. I don't really know why  because it's so close to Barcelona and Madrid and that's where everybody goes. But Sa