Dolman Law Group Podcast

Tylenol Use In Pregnant Women May Lead To Autism



When a woman is pregnant they are incredibly limited on what medication they can safely take for pain relief, mainly only being able to take acetaminophen. This may be something that pregnant women should think twice about. According to a study in 2021 from Johns Hopkins University, there may be a correlation between Tylenol use during pregnancy leading to autism in children when they’re born. Matt Dolman explains that causes of autism spectrum disorder, a neurological disorder that affects learning, emotional regulation, and social awareness,  aren’t very clear apart from genetics. However, this new study shows a strong change of possible causation. Stan Gipe also elaborates that pharmaceutical companies should be testing and have warning labels to give pregnant individuals the chance to make informed decisions if acetaminophen does have these types of side effects. That a higher dose of Tylenol raises the chances that your child may be born with autism.Whether these studies continue to show f