Dolman Law Group Podcast

Michael Avenatti and Lawyer Misconduct



Some attorneys have recently been in the news for infamous reasons. In particular, Michael Avenatti became famous as Stormy Daniels' lawyer in the hush money lawsuit against Donald Trump until things went wrong. What did Michael Avenatti do? What is he being accused of?He tried to defraud or extort Nike out of 20 to $25 million to bury the lead on improper payments to college athletes and or coaches that Nike's involved in. That was after Stormy accused him of stealing money that was meant for her as part of her book advance. Learn more in this episode of the David vs. Goliath podcast with elite civil trial lawyers Matt Dolman and his partner, Stan Gipe. They discuss the Michael Avenatti case, trust accounts, attorney misconduct, and what to consider when choosing a lawyer.  In this episode: [00:36] Stan Gipe and Matt Dolman introduce the topic of the day: Michael Avenatti and other attorneys in the news for the wrong reasons[01:20] What did Michael Avenatti do? What is he being accus