Dolman Law Group Podcast

The Truth About "Ambulance Chasers"



Have you ever heard of personal injury solicitation or ambulance chasing? Personal injury solicitation happens when a random person shows up at an accident scene to offer legal services. These people arrive unannounced and uninvited to solicit. They are called runners or investigators, or victim advocates. Runners could be working alone or under the guise of a law firm. Often, they sell the case to the law firms they work with for anywhere from 500 to $1,000. Here's the first problem: it is illegal for a law firm or anyone else to come up to somebody after a crash and sell them personal injury attorney services. It's a criminal activity and becomes a criminal conspiracy if multiple people are involved. Learn more in this episode of the David vs. Goliath podcast with elite personal injury lawyer Matt Dolman and his guest, Brent Sibley, Esq. They discuss the menace of personal injury solicitation, how it works, what to do if approached to avoid falling victim, and why you should never agree to work wi