Third Eye Science

Ep 134: Are your limiting beliefs even yours?



We've all had limiting beliefs about what's possible in our lives. Have you bought into ideas about wealth, happiness, work, health, love, relationships, and ease that aren't really yours? We arrive in this human form as a perfect, limitless soul in a beautiful baby body. But over time, we start to accumulate ideas, judgments, and perspectives from the people around us. Our parents, extended family, community, and culture begin to install programs about how the world works and how our lives can be. In this episode, I explore how I'm looking at these ideas with curiosity and asking questions about how I can create the life I'd like to have and how I'm beginning to release those old paradigms. We live in an infinite universe and it's time to explode the boxes we've allowed to be built around our lives. If anything is possible, why aren't we all thriving? Mentioned in this episode:Access ConsciousnessChristine CarusoThe Untethered Soul by Michael SingerMy upcoming off