Third Eye Science

Ep 127: Whole-heartedly Diving into Scorpio Season



It's Scorpio season and while that may have you feeling like you want to sting someone, it's also an incredible opportunity for deep, profound healing. Scorpio's archetypes include our fickle friend the scorpion, but it also has the energy of the phoenix and the eagle. We are invited to dive into our emotions, feel them—spikey and uncomfortable as they may be—and allow them to transmute. By acknowledging our painful emotions, from the past or present, we can release them and plant the seeds for new energy to grow. From the sky-high view of the eagle, we can look at our lives with a more cosmic perspective. We can observe the triggers without reaction and have compassion for everyone else in a given situation. We're all doing the best we can and with spiritual tools like meditation and connecting with our breath, we can pause long enough to not snap at our loved ones, colleagues, and people we meet throughout the day. Dive deep into Scorpio season and you just might come out of it a new, mo