Third Eye Science

Ep 117: Finding neutrality in a world of polarities



We live in a world of polarities and right now, the dividing lines may feel stronger than ever. But we can blur those lines for ourselves and not engage in one "camp" or the other. While you may resonate more with one side or opinion more than another, that doesn't mean you have to jump in on the judgment, angry name-calling, and separation. Now is the time, where we are being asked—and tested—on our ability to stay neutral, elevate our energetic vibration despite the chaos around us, and in doing so, uplift humanity. If we can be compassionate and empathetic for all people, we truly can change the world.  My upcoming offerings:The next TES Collective session will be on 8/8 at 7 PM on the New Moon in Leo which occurs on the same day at the Lion’s Gate Portal. These sessions are normally $33, but I felt called to offer a special price of only $11 for this very potent energetic portal. Click the button below and use the code HEAL11 at checkout.Weekly Energetic Tune-up classes on Soul Tribe Online