Third Eye Science

Ep 116: Walking gently through transitions



We are all going through some significant transitions right now—collectively and as individuals. As we adapt to the changes happening in our lives and in the world, it is so important to be gentle with ourselves and others. From being in large crowds for the first time since early 2020 and flying on airplanes again, to going back to work and being around people you have seen in person for over a year, these transitions can be challenging. Many people are anxious, unsure, and uneasy about these new (but old) experiences. In this episode, I discuss a few of the new (but old) experiences I've been having over these last few weeks and emphasize how important self care, being silent and still daily, and listening to your thoughts and behaviors are right now.  Whether you have a daily meditation practice, exercise, get into nature, or use creative outlets, make sure you allow space for silence and connection to Self as you navigate the evolution of our Souls and humanity. My upcoming offerings:The next TES Col