Third Eye Science

Ep 110: Open to the potential



This full moon eclipse portal feels like a powerful opportunity to connect to the potential of the Cosmos. As we release and get ready for a rebirth of sorts, the potential energy all around us feels palpable. From new habits and routines, as our daily lives begin to shift in the coming months, to completely new directions in life, there really is no limit to where you can go from here. The Sagittarius energy ushers in this expansive, elevated, newness and possibility. Embrace these opportunities and trust that inner voice telling you which small step to take today. Right now, you are aiming your arrow of light into your destiny, but you don't have to know where you'll land in the end, all you have to do right now is to be open to all of the potentialities!  My upcoming offerings:Join my upcoming workshops! The Inner Wisdom Series. This series of three workshops is designed to help you connect with your core origins, your self-love, and your intuition so that you can ignite your inner wisdom. You ca