Third Eye Science

Ep 109: Embrace the process of transformation



Does anyone else feel like they are in the final stages of becoming something/someone else? I feel like I'm the caterpillar in the cocoon, just about to break out and start life as a butterfly. I mean this figuratively, but I suppose it could be taken quite literally, as the world changes and we emerge from our cocoons after a year+ of relative hibernation. The uncomfortable feeling of the energy that is about to emerge, but not quite ready to burst out is palpable.... Maybe it will happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month. I believe we are experiencing this sensation on a collective level, and maybe you feel it on a personal level as well. I invite you to feel it, swim in it, embrace it and visualize what is to come. The shift is happening, so we might as well be intentional about where we are going. On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, I'll be holding a TES Collective group healing—Cosmic Shift. The session will support us as we become something new, more our Selves than ever before!