Third Eye Science

#42 Be courageously joyful



As we move into this powerful year of love miracles, and getting s%#t done, I wanted to also remind us all to be courageously joyful. It takes courage to listen to your inner guide and spirit, to be authentic—no matter what others will say about it—and to do things that are uncomfortable or fear inducing. But if you balance that courage by consciously bringing joy into your life, it will help you feel more courageous and then joyful. It's like a feedback loop of love, light and joy! Remember that courage is fear walking—walking into something even though it is scary AF! Awakening joy will allow you to heal that inner child and ignite the spark of light within you that is you true Self. Join me Jan 10 - Feb 18 for a special online immersion where I'll guide you through a 40 day Sadhana, inspire a daily commitment to your soul, and Ignite Your Inner Light. It's $40 for 40 days! Click here for more information and to enroll. Mentioned in this episode:Fjóla album Inner Landscape, which has a beauti