Third Eye Science

#33 Words Matter



How conscious is your communication? Words have a vibrations and energy. Each word is wrapped up and delivered in a "pranic unit"—a package of energy that can uplift or lower the energy of those involved in the communication. How often do we say words with intention to elevate others and the world? More often than not, we get so caught up in our own thoughts that words just come out without much thought or thought to the content, intent, and effect of our words. After an enlightening week of level 2 Kundalini Teacher Training with Dr. Haridass Khalsa on conscious communication, I was inspired to create a series of episodes on the topic. In the series, I'll share a few topics that came up for me in the immersion and my experience with deeply observing my own communications in relationships, professional situations and even here on the podcast. This episode is the first in the series and will dive into how our words matter. Mentioned in this episode:Dr. Haridass Khalsa's worldwide kundalini