Third Eye Science

#13 BONUS: Divine Assignment Activation



This is an energetic activation of the Divine Assignments that were shared with me over the last week. I wrote them down, and put them under the smokey quartz generator in the center of this powerful crystal grid. Listen to the activation to boost the energy around your  motivation to take action when called and to surrender the rest to the Universe. On the quantum field, time and space are meaningless, so please feel free to send me your divine assignments any time you are finding this or if you have a new one that you'd like some help with. Living in your truth is the reason you incarnated here. You already know what you're meant to be doing. Let this be the energetic boost you might need to have the courage to fulfill your destiny—one step at a time. Love and Sat Nam!If you haven't already, check out episodes 12 and 13 for more on tuning into and stepping toward your #divineassignment. Here' the Meditation to know the Field I mentioned. If you are intrigued by crystals and want to use t