Voice Of Achievers

The Foreign Language - A Career Advantage? - Ft Disha Shah



How far does knowing a foreign language go in shaping your career?Can young professionals use foreign language as an advantage when exploring opportunities abroad?How can entrepreneurs leverage the power of language and culture while expanding to a different country?We explore foreign language, and culture along with finding opportunities and expanding and exploring as professionals and entrepreneurs in a different country.Our guest, Disha Shah, is a veteran in the Indo-German business community. She is the Director India of FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH, the investment promotion and marketing arm of the German Metropolitan region Frankfurt-Rhein-Main. In her role, she drives the overall strategy, investor-relations and image-marketing activities of the city of Frankfurt in India and therefore has an in-depth understanding of the key drivers, business opportunities, areas of collaboration and intercultural challenges in Indo-German businesses and professions. Hear her talk about:3:00- An Indian pushed to learn Germ