The Doctor's Farmacy With Mark Hyman, M.d.

The Functional Medicine Approach To Treating COVID-19 And Post-COVID Syndrome with Dr. Patrick Hanaway



The Functional Medicine Approach To Treating COVID-19 And Post-COVID Syndrome | This episode is sponsored by Bioptimizers, Paleovalley, and Cozy Earth COVID has taught us a lot over the last year, and continues to do so every day that we battle this pandemic. We’ve seen what an overburdened medical system looks like and been faced with the reality of social distancing for many months now. Perhaps one of the most important lessons we have learned, though, is that a body that’s already suffering from chronic disease has far greater risks of COVID severity and even death. In the US, where the majority of people are metabolically unhealthy, we’ve seen our population faring much worse than other countries against this virus. Here, there are 500 COVID deaths per million people (at the time of this episode recording). In China, that number is 3 per million. Look at that alongside the 42% obesity rate here and the 2.6% rate there. COVID has shown us just how out of balance we are as a nation and how our baseline of d