The Doctor's Farmacy With Mark Hyman, M.d.

The Reemerging Field of Psychedelic Research



The Reemerging Field of Psychedelic Research | This episode is brought to you by Perfect Keto Hallucinogens like lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin (a compound derived from certain species of mushrooms) were being researched in medicine as therapeutic agents before their recreational popularity boomed in the 1960s. Unfortunately, that era gave them a negative connotation and since then the research in medical psychedelics dramatically declined. Now, we are seeing a resurgence in interest for these types of therapies, and the research points to some positive benefits. One of the most astounding things about using various compounds, like psilocybin, as medicine is the long-lasting and powerful benefits of a single dose. Dr. Hyman sits down for a conversation with Dr. Anthony Bossis, where he shares about his experience conducting psychedelic research. Anthony P. Bossis, Ph.D. conducts FDA-approved clinical trials in the reemerging field of psychedelic research. He is a clinical psychologist and cli