Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

How to Use Regulation Crowdfunding to Capitalize Your Startup



Are you frustrated with traditional pathways to capitalize your startup?Our guest, Aja Atwood, is an entrepreneur, team-leader, and cannabis advocate with over 15 years of experience in the engineering industry. She is a mechanical engineer by education and graduated cum laude from Northeastern University. She cut her teeth professionally as an engineering consultant and specialist, working in natural catastrophe risk engineering, and by 2011 started her first entrepreneurial business. Through these experiences, Aja honed her technical skills, fostered the engineering talent of her team, and learned valuable lessons along the way. Aja is currently the co-founder of Trella Technologies, which provides technical, innovative solutions to make indoor and urban farming a sustainable, long-lasting industry.Her business ethos is rooted in the belief that success comes from creating innovative technologies that can be shared with communities that need them the most.I’m so excited to introduce you this extraordinary f