Kinsella On Liberty

KOL104 | This Week in Law 97: God Creates. We Patent. IP, Net Neutrality, etc (2011)



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 104. This is my appearance as a Guest panelist on This Week in Law, Episode 97 (Feb. 4, 2011), entitled “God Creates. We Patent.” Brief description: "It's a Bing trap, Internet rights, tracking data persistence, attorney motivation, abolishing IP, life patents, and more", such as net neutrality (see: A Libertarian Take on Net Neutrality). My previous blog post about this is here. The video is below; it’s also on the TWiL page for this episode; you can also subscribe to the audio or video podcast for this show; here’s their FaceBook page. TWiL is part of Leo Laporte’s impressive and growing private TWiT (This Week in Tech) netcast network (I regularly listen to the TWiT network’s This Week in Tech, MacBreak Weekly, and TWiL, in addition to my  some of my other favorite podcasts, such as Mises podcasts, Lew Rockwell, and the Slate Culture Gabfest and Slate Political Gabfest.) In addition to Howell and me, there were two other IP/tech lawyers. We had a very civil and wid