Northplace Church Podcast

A Palm Sunday Pause | Pastor Bryan Jarrett



On this particular Sunday, the day we've come to call Palm Sunday. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a borrowed colt while people feverishly praise him waving palm branches and singing.But don't misunderstand this moment and don't misunderstand the reason for their praise. If you don't understand the motivation behind waving the palm branches and offering their praise, you'll never understand how they could go from yelling "Hosanna" on Sunday to many of these same people yelling "crucify him" on Friday.And we sit here and condemn the crowd for their fickle emotional swings, but are we all that different? Some of us sit here today bitter at God because He hasn't met our expectations.But let's try to learn from their mistake and realize that God is up to something bigger than we can understand. When we cannot track his ways, we have to trust his heart. When he is silent, he is not still. He is actively working behind the scenes to bring his good plans and purpo