Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

PQTD #116 podcast- Be Creative!



Send us a textThis might seem like a rather strange subject for aPaleo Quick Tip of the Day, but nevertheless, it is a crucialtopic.  To be abalanced paleolithic or ancestral type of person, creating thingsis a big part of being successful.  Men and women are born with aneed to explore and develop their talents, to nurture them alongand create; if you don’t do so, you are setting yourself up forunhappiness. If you have never seen the magnificent cave paintingsof cave dwellers, you should take a look online!  The elaborate, detailedpaintings of animals of that era are so well done, so lovinglycrafted, as to almost look real.  Think of the effort expendedin doing this artistic labor, and realize that these paleolithicpeople had a compulsion to create, just as we do. All through history, from Egypt and the pyramidsthrough ancient Greece and Rome, beautiful statues and paintingswere produced constantly.  Surely their music waswonderful as well, although we have never actually heard itourselves, they enjoyed it ve