Northplace Church Podcast

For the ONE



On November 10th, 2019, we had one united service in the Curtis Culwell Center that culminated the launch of our Unfinished Vision Initiative. We knew the day would be significant, and Pastor Bryan had a message burning in his heart, but I had no idea how one simple sermon illustration would become a battle cry that would shape the destiny of this church. For those of you who were there, it will be a shared experience we will never forget.In a world that is spiraling downward faster than we could ever imagine, the church is the lifeboat that rescues the perishing. Here’s the question we asked ourselves that day: Do we have enough lifeboats?Toward the end of the message, Pastor Bryan started calling people forward to get in small stationed lifeboats upfront in the arena. We crammed as many people as we could over the course of several minutes. His plea during that time was “Just One More!” Surely we can get “one more.” As people tried to press in anywhere, there was room, and it was apparent many would be left