Northplace Church Podcast

Hope for a Lukewarm Church



What happens when the people of God settle into this world? When they stop resisting the evil of it and start looking and acting more like Babylon than they look and act like the people of God. Daniel stood for his faith. He maintained his identity, his integrity and his commitment to God, but we know there were many who slowly but surely caved to the constant pressure of the culture’s pull. Sadly, they basically became Babylonian and lost their unique identity as God’s people. This kind of thing doesn’t just happen when enemy armies invade your homeland and take you captive like they did Daniel; we face these challenges everyday as the people of God today. We live in a culture that is increasingly antagonistic to our faith. We are facing our own Babylon-like culture and in this environment, it’s easy to spot a “sell out”. It’s easy to spot someone who has outright traded their faith for the momentary pleasures the culture has to offer. The casual observer can see it and the person who has sold out knows it.