Northplace Church Podcast

Prodigal God - The Feast of the Father



Landmarks and boundary stones were big pieces of ancient Jewish life. Most often there were just what their name suggests…similar to our surveying stakes they marked property lines…and the wisdom writer is suggesting that future generations not mess with the clear boundaries that have well been established by their forefathers…it’s a slippery slope that leads to conflict and confusion. Sometimes, those landmarks were memorials that had been set up by previous generations to mark a place that God did something special among his people. They were reminders of a divine visitation or supernatural deliverance…and when future generations would pass by those ancient landmarks, parents could testify to their children of God’s power and faithfulness and pass their faith on to the next generation. Today is one of those days for Northplace Church. As we journey together, we have intentionally journeyed into this conversation to point you to an incredible landmark in Northplace’s history. About 10 years ago, I was given