Northplace Church Podcast

Prodigal God - The True Elder Brother



The plot of the parable is fairly simple. There was a father who had two sons. The younger son asked for his share of the inheritance. He was given what he asked for and left for a distant land where he blew the entire inheritance on partying and sensual pleasures. He returns home broken fully aware of what he’s done and is shocked that his father welcomed him home with open arms. The father’s welcome of the younger son alienates and enrages the elder brother. The story closes with the father pleading with the older son to join the celebration and welcome and forgiven his younger brother. It has become very clear throughout our examination of Luke 15 that God views sin and spiritual lostness very differently than we might have suspected. The younger brother was undeniably lost because of his moral depravity but shockingly the religious elder brother who had always obeyed his father was just as lost. Not because of his badness but due to the motive of his goodness. He didn’t stay at the father’s house and obey