Northplace Church Podcast

Prodigal God: A Reckless Invitation - The People Around Jesus



Last week, we began a several week conversation that has the potential to alter the course of your life and this church.It all centers around Jesus’ parable in Luke 15 that has been traditionally called: "The Parable of the Prodigal Son." On the surface, the story line of the parable isn’t all that gripping. There was a father who had two sons. The younger son asked for his share of the inheritance. He was given what he asked for and left for a distant land where he blew the entire inheritance on partying and sensual pleasures. He returns home broken fully aware of what he’s done and is shocked that his father welcomed him with open arms. The father’s gracious welcome of the younger son alienated and enraged the elder brother. The story closes with the father appealing to the older son to join the welcome and forgiveness of his younger brother. At first glance, it seems pretty simple, but if you fully grasp what Jesus is actually saying here you learn everything you need to know about the heart of G