Northplace Church Podcast

Updraft - Waiting and Working



There is a God placed treasure inside of you but we are very fragile containers for that treasure. We have this treasure in jars of clay. To often, we confuse the treasure with the container. Many of us are not pleased with our personal appearance, our intelligence capacity, our talents or gifts, when compared to others. The treasure has been placed INSIDE us. The treasure is not the clay jar…there external part is the fragile part. The treasure is what’s inside the jar of clay. Don’t confuse the container with the treasure. This treasure in you is his calling and vision for your life. He created you and has written a story for you life so that your life brings glory to His name and makes a significant difference in other peoples lives. God has a desire for your life to have a significant impact and he has designed you so that can happen. It’s in you.