Northplace Church Podcast

Authentic Christianity - Part 6 - Overcoming The Evil Aimed at You - 09.10.16 & 09.11.16



Did you ever wonder why so many Christians get spiritually stuck? The Bible’s very, very clear. It says this: 17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) And yet, you meet people – sincere, good, people that really love God. They’ve seen transformation in some very significant areas, and they’re even committed to Bible study on a regular basis, and they really want to grow, and yet they hit a ceiling or they stall spiritually. There are simply some areas of their life that don’t seem to ever mature…the temper just never seems to get under the Spirit’s control, they can’t seem to walk in the fruit of the spirit and bridle their tongue, how they say certain things or the way they judge people, or there are private sins and addictions that plague them. They feel terrible inside and they promise God and they recommit their life over and over again. They just feel stuck. That's because the greatest see