Northplace Church Podcast

Authentic Christianity - Part 4 - Serious in Self-Assessment Coming to Terms With the Real You - 08.20.16 & 08.21.16



We’ve been discussing what a truly mature, authentic Christian looks like. Jesus tells us to love the Lord with all our heart, with all of our mind and with all of our strength and to love our neighbor as our selves. Paul takes that simple but profound summation of the Christian life and explains what it looks like when practically lived out in everyday life. We’ve been studying Paul’s explanation in our study of Romans 12. Jesus says we are to love God and love people. When Paul expands on that thought in Romans 12, he answers this question…How do we love God? In vs giving him all of us…surrender. Then, in verse 2 Paul warns us that this world’s system will seduce us away from our savior if we allow it…so he calls us to live separate and distinct from the behaviors and customs of this world. Then in verse 3-8 Paul comes to the crux of the issue by calling us into a moment of self-examination and forcing us to ask the question, How do you view yourself? Because you will never be able to love God and