Northplace Church Podcast

What Now? - 06.28.15



"But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself…" Daniel 1:8 ESV The ESV says “resolved” other versions uses similar words: Daniel Resolved...Purposed...Decided...Determined. He made up his mind. There was an abrupt change in his surroundings. Daniel encountered serious external changes. His land had been invaded and he had been taken captive. He no longer lived in Jerusalem but in Babylon. He was no longer able to worshiped in the temple. He was forced to live in a city filled with pagan temples. There was an abrupt change in values. The culture in Babylon did not value the things of God. Everything that Daniel held dear was despised in Babylon and everything he despised was embraced. But in the middle of all the change, Daniel resolved to live his life from the inside out. He did not waste his time trying to control the uncontrollable. He knew the only event, circumstance, or person he could truly control was himself. He did not expend energy trying to change the unchangeable, nor ex