Transformative Principal

Intentional Self-Care with Dr. Tyrone Burton Transformative Principal 629



On June 10, 2024, Passion Driven Leadership celebrated two schools in the Orange Township School District with the designation of being Passion Driven Schools. (see links below)PDL - Orange Recap June 2024.mp4Passion Driven Schools - Dr. Fitzhugh Interview .movThis means that they have decided to make Intentional Self-Care a priority for the adults in schools and completed our two-year process.Previous interview with Tyrone here.We work in a system that is broken by design. Accountable vs. ResponsibleWe work at the point of exhaustionEAP, too little too late. Starts with leadership. Process has six frames, SEL, instructional,  teacher, parent involvement, school reviewData driven vs. data informedDashboard for SELWellness & culture & climate surveys that teachers take on a regular basis. The value of the psychometric analysis is that it helps people see themselves and who their teammates are. Teachers came to work happier and more productive, fewer sick days, ownership.Students are more relaxed becaus