Analyse Asia With Bernard Leong

Learnovate, AI and EduTech with Joon Nak Choi



"The humans are going to be empowered to become superheroes like Tony Stark, and because you have your loyal A.I. assistant, Jarvis, doing all this stuff in the background, that's the example I always use when I give lectures on this topic. What ends up happening is that you need to make sure you can use A.I. correctly. If you offload too much, offload inappropriately, or become too dependent on AI for tasks where you shouldn't be dependent, then suddenly, you're no longer Tony Stark. You're one of those fat human descendants in Wall-E. The ones who can't even get back in their own chairs because they've forgotten how to walk, they've forgotten how to think, they're being fed a steady diet of soda pop from AI." - Joon Nak Choi Fresh out of the studio, Bernard Leong sits down with Joon Nak Choi, an Adjunct Associate Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and founder of Learnovate, to dive deep into the future of education and AI. JC shares his career journey and the back story of why he st