Untangle, The Podcast From Meditation Studio

Show Up As The Most Powerful Version of Yourself. With Anese Cavanaugh



Today’s guest is amazing! Anese Cavanaugh is an award winning Speaker, Author, Teacher, Strategic Advisor and Thinking Partner for many innovative organizations and individuals. She’s also the CEO of Active Choices, a strategic advisory and training company. Today we get to the heart of many of the ideas she has shared in her books (see below), and we dive into her proprietary approach to leadership called Intentional Energetic Presence. The bottom line…how we show up in the world MATTERS, regardless of whether you’re at work or at home. It matters. Your intentions energy and presence can have a positive OR negative impact, depending on the choices you make. She unpacks why we need tools and practices for self awareness, honest reflection and for being more present and intentional so we can create the most positive and impactful experiences and relationships. I love this quote from one of her books: “We create our experience in every moment, contract or expand, repel or invite, fear or love, abdicate or lead.