Church On The Rock Homer

Sent | Covenant Sunday



I am so thankful for our church.  So many of you have encouraged me.  So many of you have built up my faith.  So many of you have pointed me toward Christ through your own faithful pursuit of Him.  It is such an awe-inspiring thing to be in true community with each other and to experience a fellowship that is built on the foundation of God’s love for us.  As my own understanding of His goodness grows, I find myself more motivated toward the mission of making His goodness known to the others.  As I experience His kindness and learn to trust in the abundance of His promises, I find myself more at peace and with a greater joy.  This Sunday I want to look to Him together.  I want to link arms and remember; we are His body, the bride of His choosing.  I look forward to worshipping together with you. Pastor Dr. Aaron Weisser