Keen On

Episode 2212: Jim Wallis on the False White Gospel threatening America



American Christianity appears in a state of disrepair, perhaps even imminent civil war. On the one hand, of course, we have the evangelical right who make up much of Trump’s ideological base; on the other hand, there are progressive American theologians like Jim Wallis who argue that this Christian nationalist wing of the Republican party isn’t quite kosher. In his new book, The False White Gospel, Wallis argues that it’s time to call out genuine faith—specifically the “Christian” in White Christian Nationalism. These people, he says, are not only fake Christians, but their racism and cruelty represents an existential threat to American democracy. True faith, for Wallis, Georgetown University’s inaugural holder of the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Chair in Faith and Justice, is loving one’s neighbor rather than throwing them out of the country. Jim Wallis is Georgetown University’s inaugural holder of the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Chair in Faith and Justice, and the Director of its new Center on Faith and Justice