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How To Grow A Six-Figure Business and Beyond



Are you someone who struggles with overwhelming anxiety or depression? In this episode of Quantum Revenue Expansion, I have the honor and privilege of speaking with Peter Pettis, founder of California Neurofeedback, a company that allows you to rent Neurofeedback devices to manage anxiety, stress, and depression. As someone who used to experience crippling anxiety, Pete saw incredible results in treating his anxiety when he used a Neurofeedback machine. Following these results, he saw a need to enable others to access these machines. Now, he’s on the podcast to share all the ways you can achieve your dreams, too. Maybe right now, you are thinking, “Oh, I could never run a business,” or “I would never be able to sell anything.” In episode #281 of Quantum Revenue Expansion, Pete shares how he went from being nearly unable to leave his home to getting in front of his audience and learning to sell his product… so much so that he’s on track to DOUBLE his revenue this year. He was able to o