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55: Represent Your Business with Confidence with Kim Somers-Egelsee



Do you have the confidence to go out and represent your business in the very best way possible? The truth is that most people could really use some help with that, so today I'm excited to introduce you to Kim Somers-Egelsee, a soul sister and a  very dear friend who has lit up my world in so many ways! She has such a lot to share- about confidence and about helping people to feel better about themselves so that they can represent themselves in the way that they really want to, both in business and in their lives. Listen in today, to find out what it takes to develop your authentic self and to become really confident.   Kim is the number one best-selling author of Getting Your Life To A 10 Plus. This is a really awesome book that will give you some immediate inspiration and also some actionable steps that you can take straight away. (She has also written a first book called Living A Ten Plus Life.)   She's a multi-award winning confidence expert, Ted X speaker, international inspirational speaker, life and bus