Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

"Social enterprise is renowned actually for having more female leadership than traditional forms of business", Rose Marley, CEO at Co-Operatives UK



Leila is joined by Rose Marley, CEO at Co-Operatives UKToday you will learn more about:- With a background in creative industries, technology, the gig economy and entrepreneurship, Rose is a passionate advocate for social enterprise and values-led business.- She founded Manchester-based social enterprise SharpFutures, which supports diverse, young talent into creative, digital and tech industries, and led a pilot campaign improving local travel opportunities and raising aspiration for young people in Manchester.- Self-employed from a young age, she cut her teeth in the music business in the era known as ‘Madchester’ before turning her hand to social enterprise and event producing.- Rose is renowned for her ability to galvanise community action, leading Manchester City Council’s response to the Manchester arena attack. Manchester Together was a global broadcast of choirs singing from the steps of the town hall in the first anniversary of the atrocity.- Since joining Co-operatives UK as Chief Executive in Janua