Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

“It’s about having places to work where everyone is welcome”: Adriènne Kelbie: Chief Executive at Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)



Adriènne Kelbie: Chief Executive at Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) Leila is joined by Adriènne Kelbie - Chief Executive at Office for Nuclear Regulation, Board Trustee of CareTech Charitable Foundation, Ambassador at POWERful Women and Patron – Women in Nuclear at the Nuclear Institute.IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT·         Adriènne’s own learning journey through her career so far, from dropping out of college after a year to working as a trainer for a number of years and becoming a well-formed and rounded generalist CEO.·         Adriènne’s belief in how important it is to learn from your failures and resolve your crises in confidence: “Even the strongest of us have bad days”.·         How important it is to avoid having a bad attitude as a consequence of holding onto fears and feelings about negative incidents in the past.·         Adriènne’s efforts to represent everyone and not just women in terms of her I&D work·         ONR’s I&D/recruitment strategies which now leverages activity su