
#320 The Making of Winston Churchill Part 2



What I learned from reading Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill by Michael Shelden. ----Join my free email newsletter to get my top 10 highlights from every book----(5:00) It was better for the world that he had known failure and suffered moments of self doubt.(6:00) There was something in Churchill's character that simply wouldn't allow him to give up. He was a dangerous optimist.(8:00) History likes winners.(9:30) The adventures and ordeals of those early years were essential to the making of a man who triumphed in the second world war.(10:00) At 40 he was largely written off as a man whose best days were behind him. (Churchill shares a lot of parallels with Steve Jobs)(10:30) He fashioned his career as a grand experiment to prove that he could work his will on his times. Persevering in that approach, despite repeated setbacks and often harsh ridicule of those who didn't share his high opinion of himself.(13:00) At the heart of this story is an irrepressible spirit.(17:30) Little men let events tak