J and L Watches

Buffy - S2E2 Some Assembly Required



Join JoshPrime and JustLeah as they try out to the delicious Out Of This World Donuts from Sarah Michelle Gellar's new company, foodstirs. Foodstirs provides healthy, organic and fair trade ingredients right to your door, with cute and easy recipes you can do with your kids. Try them yourself at foodstirs.com. We are not sponsored in any way, but would be totally open to that if it meant more donuts for us!Meanwhile, we are watching Some Assembly Required and asking serious questions about what happens to the people who get entangled in the evil of the week after Buffy cleans up their mess. Where are the hyena students? What happened to Chris' mom? We also try out peanut butter Oreos and attempt to continue ranking them, though our memory is getting fuzzy. Don't forget to share our show with your friends and rate us on AppleProdcasts!Support the show