Hyper Conscious Podcast

#193 - The Drive To 5 - "Scratching The Surface"



Send us a textWant to join our private facebook group? You can join Hyper Conscious Nation at www.facebook.com/groups/HyperConsciousNation/The Drive To 5 is a tool we created in order to determine where you are in terms of confidence, self esteem, and self-belief.When we say 0 on the scale, this refers to someone who lacks confidence and self-esteem. When we say 10, this is someone who could be considered cocky or arrogant.This episode's for you, if:1. You haven't been taking action.2. You don't feel like you're ready to start.3. You've been avoiding feedback for a long time, and you're ready to really learn about yourself.After this episode, it'll become clear which end of The Drive to 5 you tend to fall on, and more importantly, how to cultivate both humility and confidence through consistent action.