No Agenda

1702 - "Sloppin' Hopper"



No Agenda Episode 1702 - "Sloppin' Hopper" "Sloppin' Hopper" Executive Producers: Captain Luke, Baron of Sonoma County, and Commodore of all coastal and riverine operations therein Tyrel McMahan Roland Schneider Dame Bay Area Wildfire Mark Alcocer Anonymous Steve Bandstra Anonymous Colin Mclane Associate Executive Producers: Eli the coffee guy Sir Zev Mo, Protector of the Digital Wallet Linda Lu, Duchess of Jobs & Writer of Resumes Commodores: Commodore Captain Luke 4 Commodore Tyrel McMahan Commodore SX-64 Commodore Bay Area Wildfire Commodore Mark Alcocer Commodore Anonymous from Silver Spring Commodore Steve Bandstra Commodore Anonymous Become a member of the 1703 Club, support the show here Boost us with with Podcasting 2.0 Certified apps: Podverse - Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain Title Changes Captain Luke, Knight of the Barbary Coast > Captain Luke, Baron of Sonoma County, and Commodore of a