Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday #211 | Making for Social Good | feat. Matt Zigler



Matt Zigler is one of those teachers we need to clone and put into every school. Not only is he a fantastic artist, he uses his design skills to help kids create projects that help people in need.He also views his job as a "maker teacher" a little like a librarian, pointing the way to resources that kids and staff members need.The Wheelchair Stroller project his students created ended up all over the news, including NBC Washington and the CBS Evening News!Learn more about:Make:able Challenge makeablechallenge.comProject Invent (learn more on Ep 199) Brown Dog Gadgets browndoggadgets.comConnect with Matt:Website for Matt's BIT Lab @BullisBITlabMedium Woods is the host of the STEM Everyday Podcast... Connect with him:dailystem.comtwitterinstagramyoutubeGet Chris's book Daily STEM on AmazonSupport the show