Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday #206 | Keeping Girls Interested in Engineering | feat. Anna Sannö



Research  reveals it is at the age of 10 that girls move from being excited to put their ideas forward on the subjects of science and technology to being more interested in being ‘likeable and pretty’. Organizations and schools in Sweden are joining forces to try to reverse this trend. Through a series of workshops, Volvo Construction Equipment together with Mälardalen University and researcher Ulrika Sultan are challenging girls to come up with technological solutions to some real-life societal problems – such as how to make recycling fun – in order not to only make them more confident in their engineering capabilities but show how engineering can make the world more sustainable. Press Release: Sannö is Research Strategy Manager in the Advanced Engineering department of Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE), where she specializes in collaborating with partner org