Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday #195 | Cybersecurity & STEM Education | feat. Kevin Nolten



Cybersecurity is more than just stopping hackers. Adding cybersecurity learning to a classroom can help kids experience more practical hands-on learning and expose them to careers they never dreamed of.A new report reveals that cybersecurity is a growing issue for K-12 schools around the country, with about 19 bills introduced in 2020 to help schools with issues related to cyber.With millions of children across the country learning online and schools being a top target of cyber-attacks, now is a critical time for cybersecurity education—for teachers on down to kindergarteners. A recently released benchmark report on the state of cybersecurity education in K-12 schools, shows that less than 50% of students in the U.S. have access to cybersecurity education today.Kevin Nolten, the director of CYBER.ORG, a cybersecurity workforce development organization, shares why it's vital for K-12 schools to get cybersecurity education in the hands of more teachers and students. He also shares the importance of basic c