Stem Everyday

STEM Everyday: #131 | Preparing Today’s Students To Become Cyber Warriors | feat. Eric Iversen



Eric Iversen has worked in learning for over 25 years. At the American Society for Engineering Education, he started the ASEE Engineering K-12 Center, an effort to catalyze engineering learning in K-12 classrooms. Featuring a website, a guidebook for high school students, annual workshops for K-12 teachers, and partnerships with diverse organizations, the Center earned over $1 million in the five years he ran it. He also worked with engineering and education deans to launch K-16 engineering education initiatives, and for the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Mr. Iversen helped lead program operations and ran the training and outreach activities.Mr. Iversen received a Ph.D. in comparative literature from the University of North Carolina and a B.A. in English with high honors from the University of Virginia. After receiving his Ph.D., he taught English at the University of Texas, El Paso. Connect with Eric:WebsiteTwitterWhere can you find the Cybersecurity Student Workbook? htt