Blue Lotus Yoga With Jill Amison

Yang & Yin for the Jewel in the Lotus Heart



This practice is designed to help you find balance during Vata season, or anytime you're feeling disconnected. It combines Yang movement and Yin stillness to centre and ground your energy and reconnect you to your own Jewel in the Lotus of your Heart. In this practice, we’ll: ✨ Explore warming breathwork to direct Prana to the centre, gently building internal warmth. ✨ Focus on the Lung Meridian in the Yin portion of class, allowing the breath to flow and balance Vata energy, which lives in the large intestine & lungs. Perfect for grounding and warming as we navigate the cool, airy essence of Vata season here in the Nothern Hemisphere. (Apologies for the small amount of sound interference at the end of this class....hopefully it won't spoil your enjoyment)