Art Class Curator

Looking At Art As A Spiritual Practice



If you’ve been following us for a while, what we do here at Art Class Curator is much deeper than art appreciation or history. Appreciating art is great, but it gives off the vibe of being better than you and puts up a divide between the art and those who can enjoy it. In the last year, we’ve been emphasizing art connection instead of appreciation. Connecting with art has taught me something about myself that I didn’t know, helped me get through something, or given me clarity or a safe space. So in this episode, I’m gonna talk about ways to use art to have moments of clarity and connection where things suddenly make sense. 3:26​ - My realization that art isn’t about the details but the feelings 9:29 - What I mean by spirituality and spiritual practices 14:56 - The aesthetic experience incorporating both mind and body 23:05 - How we can use art as a spiritual practice 30:11 - What to do if you can’t make it to an art museum 32:12 - A couple of caveats Transcript at